Batman - The Telltale Series is a graphic adventure developed by Telltale Games, designers of Minecraft: Story Mode, The Walking Dead, Tales from the Borderlands and more. The gameplay in this game is similar to what we mentioned from the games, and this means again, that the decisions that you make during this story will be specified in its fate.
It is very important to know that the free version of Batman - The Telltale Series only gives you the first episode of the season. While you will have to purchase the rest of the episodes through the application if you want to watch the whole season. It is the only way to see how the story ends.
The plot of the Batman - The Telltale Series story revolves around Bruce Wayne's inner demons, these demons that come back to torment him. Of course, some well-known villains of the series will also have to face.
Batman - The Telltale Series is another great photography adventure presented to us by the Telltale Games team, which uses the same gameplay that everyone knows and still loves many. On top of all this, this game has amazing graphics. But you will need a very powerful Android device to start playing.