Getting rid of belly permanently

Overweight and obesity

Excess weight is defined as the accumulation of fat in the body so that the weight exceeds a certain scale that calculates the weight in proportion to the length, obesity is defined as the accumulation of body fat to a degree that conflicts with the health of the body, and the body weight is evaluated using the body mass index that is calculated by dividing the weight in kilograms by the square of the height In meters, the result is evaluated as a normal weight if it is between 18.5 kg / m² to 24.9 kg / m², and it is an overweight if it is between 25 kg / m² to 29.9 kg / m², and it is a first-degree obesity if it is between 30 kg / m² to 34.9 kg / m², and a second degree obesity if it is between 35 kg / m² to 39.9 kg / m², and excessive obesity Third degree if it is 40 kg / m² and more.

Weight gain and obesity occur when a person eats large quantities of food giving him more calories than his body needs, and this happens because he does not know how to organize meals and ignorance of the basics of a healthy diet and neglecting physical exercises that burn calories. And when fat accumulates in the abdominal area, obesity is called apple or masculine form of obesity, as it is called intermediate obesity, and the name does not mean that it is limited to men only, but it indicates that the prevalence of intermediate obesity in men is more than in women, as it increases in men with Age increases and is found in postmenopausal women than in women of childbearing age. And it is determined whether the person with obesity suffers from moderate obesity and rumen if the waist circumference measurement exceeds 88 cm in women and 102 cm in men.

Harmless to health of rumen

Fat accumulated in the abdominal area is associated with an increased risk of developing many chronic diseases, such as: diabetes, high pressure, cardiovascular diseases, and some cancers. It also raises the risk of death with these diseases. It works to secrete inflammatory cytokines that increase insulin resistance in its receptors in muscle cells. These fats also reduce the secretion of adiponectin, which combats diabetes and atherosclerosis, which acts as an anti-inflammatory.

Ways to get rid of belly permanently

  • In order to get rid of belly and permanently, a person must treat obesity and overweight in an effective manner with far-reaching results, and he should not pay attention to quick solutions that are usually temporary or dishonest. In order to address obesity, excess weight and get Lose Belly Fat, a long-term gradual weight loss plan must be developed, where these methods are more successful in getting rid of excess weight which includes Belly Fat and not gain it again, and when this method is adopted which depends on the introduction Positive changes in diet and lifestyle and making it a permanent part of a person’s life, raises the person’s opportunity to get rid of excess weight and rumen permanently and irreversibly, unlike the quick temporary diet, which the body quickly returns to its previous weight after leaving, because the person returns to the same system His previous life wa Which caused him to gain weight in the first place.
  • Exercising regularly, as scientific research found a direct relationship between exercising regularly, especially aerobic exercises and losing belly fat, and the relationship between them was direct, so that the loss of belly fat increased with increased exercise.
  • Setting a plan that contains realistic and logical goals so that a person can achieve and reach them, avoiding the frustration that might befall him if he sets difficult goals and fails to achieve them, as it is possible to plan to lose half a kilogram per week instead of many kilograms, and slow and continuous weight loss is better than losing Rapid and interrupted weight followed by episodes of weight gain.
  • It is possible to use a notebook for the person to write a daily schedule for him, including his meals, times, places to eat and the feelings he felt when eating every meal and the physical activities that he performs. Work to change them.
  • The person should focus most of his attention and thinking on adopting the correct nutritional habits instead of focusing on his weight and waist circumference so that he can continue the positive changes that result in losing weight and gradually getting rid of the rumen.
  • Following a healthy diet provides fewer calories than a person’s daily needs so that fats are burned to get the energy that a person has reduced from his daily diet, and a nutritionist is best used to help.
  • Eat slowly, chew well, and set aside places and times to eat.
  • Choosing foods that are low in calories and that provide the body with the necessary nutrients.
  • Replacing whole milk and milk products with their skimmed substitutes and making sure to eat them daily, as many studies have found an inverse relationship between eating milk and milk products and storing body fat.
  • Avoid eating sweets, sugars and high-fat foods.
  • Drink enough water so that the intake is not less than two liters per day with more to compensate for the loss of water that occurs during exposure to hot weather or when exercising, and make sure to drink water between and during meals to reduce the feeling of hunger and reduce food intake.
  • Drink healthy drinks that help get rid of body fat and rumen, such as green tea and sage.
  • Adequate sleep for an average of 7 and a half hours, as adequate sleep deprivation negatively affects metabolism in the body and reduces a person's energy to exercise and may cause him to resort to unhealthy and high caloric snacks.
  • Eat foods high in dietary fiber, such as: whole grains, legumes, fruits, and vegetables.


  1. Rolfes S. R., Pinna K. and Whitney E. (2006), Understanding Normal and Clinical Nutrition, The United States of America : Thomson Wadswoth, Page 278-298. Edited.
  2. Ohkawarna K. et al, "A Dose-Response Relation Between Aerobic Exercise and Visceral Fat Reduction: Systematic Reviews of Clinical Trials", International Journal of Obesity, Issue 31, Page 1786-1797. Edited.
  3. Murphy K. J. et al (2013), "Dairy Foods and Dairy Protein Consumption Is Inversely Related to Markers of Adiposity in Obese Men and Women", Nutrients, Issue 5, Folder 11, Page 4665-4684. Edited.
  4. "Drinking Green Tea May Help You Lose Weight", webmd. Edited.
  5. Hamidpour M. et al, "Chemistry, Pharmacology, and Medicinal Property of Sage (Salvia) to Prevent and Cure Illnesses such as Obesity, Diabetes, Depression, Dementia, Lupus, Autism, Heart Disease, and Cancer", Journal of Traditional and Complimentary Medicine, Issue 4, Folder 2, Page 82-88. Edited.
  6. "Sleep and Weight Gain", webmd. Edited.

Getting rid of belly permanently

