How to Lose Belly Fat quickly

The possibility of Lose Belly Fat quickly

 There are no magic solutions to get rid of Belly Fat quickly, but it requires some effort, commitment and perseverance, and adopting a healthy lifestyle, and adopting some methods that contribute to the loss of Belly Fat, as the disposal of Belly Fat fat depends on negative calories. By reducing the calories consumed compared to the amount of calories burned by the body, approximately half a kilogram of fat equals 3,500 calories, and thus reducing this amount of calories per week reduces this amount of fat, and to reach this it is possible to reduce 500 calories daily, which leads to a decrease of 2 Kilogram monthly Physical exercise can also contribute to increasing calorie burning, in addition to building muscle mass, which increases the metabolic rate, if it is at least 150 minutes per week of moderate-intensity exercise, such as walking quickly, cycling, and two-ball The racket, or 75 minutes of high-intensity exercise, such as running and jogging.

Distribution of body fat

 Fat is under the skin while others are around the internal organs such as the heart, lung, and liver. Visceral fat is one of the biggest problems even for skinny people. Although these fats provide protection around the organs, their accumulation in a large amount increases the risk of developing several diseases, Such as: high blood pressure, the second type of diabetes, and cardiovascular diseases, as it may be considered an indication of premature death, and it should be noted that the rate of obesity has increased in the United States, especially for children, which led some doctors to perform stomach gagging, surgery Passing the pain Countless.

It should be noted that many factors determine how fat is distributed in the body, including: race, gender, age, and the accumulation of fat in the upper body is called abdominal obesity, or what is called Android obesity, which usually spreads among men, while it spreads This accumulation in the area of ​​the buttocks, and the thigh among women whose bodies contain a higher stock of fat compared to men because they need it in some cases such as pregnancy or lactation, and it should be noted that despite the fact that the body mass index, which is equal to the weight in kilograms to the square of height in meters used to know the weight Ideal, or overweight, a Thin or obese, but it can not be through it to know the amount of fat distribution in the body, while the form Belly Fat sign of excessive fat as the natural value of the waist circumference should not exceed it about 88.9 centimeters for women, and 101.6 cm for men.

Get Lose Belly Fat

 Many researchers advise to lose weight gradually, and avoid resorting to popular diets that are commonly used in order to lose weight quickly, but they cause muscle, bone and water loss instead of losing excess fat that leads to the appearance of Belly Fat. In fact, it is recommended that those who want to lose weight quickly resort to the doctor To ensure that approximately half a kilogram is reduced to one kilogram per week while maintaining a healthy body and eating the nutrients it needs, and although getting rid of the fat of this particular area is more difficult than other regions, there are some effective advice in that as well, we mention Including the following:

  • Increased intake of soluble fiber: as one of the studies showed that it specifically combats belly fat, and helps to slow the movement of food through the digestive system, because it absorbs water and forms a gel, which also contributes to increasing the feeling of satiety, and plays a role in weight loss, and dissolving fibers can also To help reduce the number of calories a person can get from food. Flaxseeds, avocados, legumes, and black cranberries are a good source of dissolved fiber.
  • Avoid eating trans fats: Trans fats are made with hydrogenation of trans fats, and are found in vegetable butter and many canned foods. Therefore, someone who wants to get rid of Belly Fat should check the food label for anything he wants to buy, to avoid any foods Contains these fats that are consumed with increased risk of infections, heart disease, insulin resistance, and an increase in the accumulation of fat in the abdomen, according to descriptive studies and animal studies.
  • Increased protein intake: which contributes to a high secretion of satiety hormone and reduces appetite, and thus reduces the amount of food eaten, and many studies show that those who eat protein more, have less fat in the abdomen compared to those who follow a diet low in protein, and also increases protein The rate of energy metabolism in the body, and maintains a person's muscle mass when following a diet to lose weight.
  • De-stress and stress: Through the practice of enjoyable activities such as yoga and meditation, which contribute to relieving the tension that leads to the accumulation of fat in the abdomen, as a result of stimulating the secretion of the hormone cortisol from the adrenal glands. In the abdomen, cortisol production also increases in women who already have a larger waist circumference when exposed to stress and tension.
  • Reducing sugar intake: Containing Fructose. Excessive fructose intake is associated with many chronic diseases such as type 2 diabetes, heart disease, obesity, and increased accumulation of fat in the abdominal area.
  • Aerobic exercise: which is the most effective type of sports and exercises to get rid of accumulation of fat in the abdomen, to promote health in general, and to burn calories.
  • Reducing the intake of refined carbohydrates: it is recommended to eat whole grains instead of refined carbohydrates, which reduces the accumulation of fat around the abdominal area, as the Framingham Heart Study showed that eating whole grains reduces the storage of excess fat by 17% compared to the consumption of refined carbohydrates.
  • Practicing resistance exercises: where one of the studies showed that practicing a mixture of resistance exercises such as weightlifting, in addition to aerobic exercises, can lead to a significant decrease in visceral fat, and it is worth noting the importance of the role of these exercises in maintaining muscle mass.
  • Getting adequate sleep: A study of 68,000 women showed that women who sleep less than five hours per night have increased the possibility of increasing their weight compared to women who sleep seven hours and more per night, and care must be taken to ensure that sleep is comfortable Also, sleep apnea is also associated with a build-up of visceral fat.

Reasons for the emergence of Belly Fat

The following points explain the most common causes of Belly Fat appearance:

  • Malnutrition: As foods that contain added sugars such as cakes, sugar candy, soft drinks, and fruit juices, they cause weight gain, reduce metabolism, and reduce the body's ability to burn fat, and not consuming a little protein in the diet may cause Increased intake of food. Eating food sources of trans fats, such as fast food, baked goods such as chips, and muffins, causes inflammation that can lead to obesity. The American Heart Association recommends consuming foods that contain whole grains. Fat, mono and polyunsaturated rather than trans fat.
  • Feeling of stress and stress: since a person is in a dangerous situation causes the body to secrete the hormone cortisol (English: Cortisol), which affects the metabolism process, people usually consume food when feeling this condition, and this hormone causes the storage of excess fat around the Belly Fat and other areas of the body .
  • Following a lifestyle that is less mobile: consuming more calories than the body is diverting leads to weight gain, and following this pattern causes the inability to get rid of excess fat that accumulates around the abdominal area.
  • Lack of sleep: According to a study published in the Journal of Clinical Sleep Medicine shows where the weight gain associated with reduced sleep duration, is both a lack of sleep duration or quality of one causes the accumulation of fat in the Belly Fat, as it may lead to unhealthy eating habits, such as the so-called Emotional eating.
  • Smoking: As a study published in 2012 showed that although the rate of obesity among smokers and non-smokers is the same, smokers have a higher appearance of Belly Fat and visceral fat, it is worth noting that smoking is not considered a direct cause of the emergence of Belly Fat, but it may be considered one of the factors That may increase the risk of it occurring.
  • Genetic factors: Some evidence has found that it may play a role in a person suffering from obesity or not, as researchers believe that obesity may enhance behavior, metabolism, and the risk of developing obesity-related diseases similar to environmental and behavioral factors that increase the likelihood of obesity.


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  9. Sonya Collins, "The Truth About Belly Fat"،, Retrieved 10-6-2018. Edited. 
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How to Lose Belly Fat quickly

